Autism Speaks is a charity close to the hearts of Invest West Financial employees. To show our support for this cause, employees donate their time and money to the annual Walk Now For Autism Speaks event.

The Children’s Hunger Fund delivers food and care packages to families in need. Invest West Financial has supported CHF and is proud to be a part of this effort.

IWFC has participated in a Day of Caring, in which employees volunteer to spend a day doing on-site work projects, like gardening and painting, at a local charity.

The mission of the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse is building a safer, healthier community by preventing and treating alcoholism and drug abuse. Dale Marquis has supported CADA by participating in Summit for Danny, a cause dedicated to keeping youth drug-free. Dale recently partook in a seven day climb of Mount Blanc, raising money and support for this foundation.

The goal of Girls Inc. is to inspire girls to be strong, smart and bold. IWFC supports this cause through donations that benefit their annual Celebration Luncheon.

The Unity Shoppe offers assistance with food, clothing, furniture, toys and other essentials for lower income families with children. They also provide services for the elderly, homebound, ill and disabled. During the holidays, IWFC donates to the Unity Shoppe’s annual Telethon, in honor of our investors.

The Boys & Girls Club provides a positive, healthy learning environment for children in one of the most disadvantaged communities in the United States. Since 1954, the Club has brought stability to neighborhoods that have seen drugs, teen pregnancy and gang-related violence rock their foundations. With each year that passes, our curriculum takes progressively longer strides toward strengthening the academic aptitude, the physical fitness, the health awareness and the career ambitions of children, preparing them to graduate high school and become productive citizens.

The Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara inspires, encourages, and supports Santa Barbara County students in their pursuit of college, graduate, and vocational school education through financial aid advising and the granting of scholarships